Riverdocs is currently focusing on providing an end-to-end document conversion service.
This information is provided to assist existing software users only.

Download Security Warnings

If your computer is set up correctly you will be prompted with a number of security warnings during the purchase, download and installation process.


When you browse to www.riverdocs.com/store you may get a message like this,

encrypted page warning

This is normal and indicates that any information you enter on this page can’t easily be read by a third party.


When you first click the download link you should see something like this.

run, save or cancel dialog

This is normal; you should select Save at this stage to copy the RiverDocs installer to your computer.


If you get a warning like this the download has been blocked.

browser blocked download alert

You will need to change the security settings in your browser, or you may need to contact your system administrator


If you have downloaded the RiverDocsSetup.exe file to your computer you may get a message like this when you double click it.

run or cancel dialog

This is normal; you should select Run at this stage to install the RiverDocs Converter.

NOTE: These instructions only apply to the RiverDocs Converter, and may not be correct for any other software you download.

If you have questions about installation or any other problem, do not hesitate to contact support@riverdocs.com.


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